Hoi Man Lai, Clara
Hoi Man Lai, Clara (b.2000) is a Hong Kong-based curator exploring new curatorial methods and modes for an art institution. She is interested in questioning the relationship between contemporary moments and cultural phenomena, asking about the experience of multiple contemporary moments, and also investigating contemporary art's innovative archival practices. The inspiration for her shows mainly comes from daily life experiences, books, and imagination. Her current research and practice are related to the notion of memory, community, and time. Additionally, due to her previous background in fashion and textiles, she is concerned with the material used in the artworks and supports sustainable practices from different artists.
Besides, Clara’s individual research investigates the relationship between contemporary art and archives, especially living archives in art institutions. This interest stems from the theory of archives and memory, the political and cultural issues in Post-colonial Hong Kong, and examining the ideas of temporality and eternity. She is finding the possibilities of curatorial approaches in reimagining the future and resonating with the past through public engagement in the present. It then elicits her interest in bringing people together and curating things other than exhibitions such as workshops and public programmes. She has some experience in working on workshops and publications. Recently, she has been exploring the approaches across curatorial, archival and artistic practice, particularly inspired by family, immigrants, and the universe.